Building Campaign

It’s official! The capital campaign to build a new McDonough County Animal Shelter has kicked off with a challenge from a family who is honoring their beloved rescue pets. Please see the poster and donation form in this post for more information.

We look forward to working with our friends and community, both those living inside the county and out, to build a better shelter! We will update here and on our Facebook page.

The proposed McDonough County Animal Shelter will be a 21st-century facility that not only accomodates the needs of lost and homeless animals, but is also an inviting place for community members to find a new pet, volunteer, and access resources.

Plans include a free roaming cat room and modern cat condos, indoor dog kennels with outdoor runs, and a meet and greet area. While the maximum number of animals housed at the new shelter will not increase, the following improvements will make a much-needed difference:

    • Modern housing and lighting will provide for optimal viewing of the animals and greatly improve their health and living conditions
    • A “meet and greet” room will offer the opportunity to get acquainted with a potential pet in privacy and comfort
    • Critically important intake, quarantine, and isolation areas with efficient HVAC systems will inhibit disease spread and provide a safer and healthier environment
    • Animal drop-off kennels connected to the main building will provide safe and secure temporary housing
    • Adequate office, food preparation, laundry, and storage space will provide for orderly maintenance of shelter records and more efficient handling of food and supplies
    • Parking spaces will accomodate staff, visitors, and volunteers
    • An all-purpose room will allow for education, training, and staff breaks
    • ADA compliance will make the new animal shelter accessible to all

Donate to The New Shelter Building Campaign Today!

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Double the Money Match

Double the Money Match for the Humane Society of McDonough County’s new animal shelter campaign.

Humane Society of McDonough County members Patti & Allen Nemec are ready to make a $10,000.00 gift to the HSMC’s shelter campaign for a new animal shelter in McDonough County. They would, however, like to double that amount with the help of the community.

  • The Nemec’s gift will be presented to the HSMC once $10,000.00 in collective gifts from community  members (and designated for the new animal shelter campaign) are received by the HSMC as well.
  • No gift is too small, as all incoming donations designated for the HSMC’s new animal “shelter campaign” will be added to a running total until the $10,000.00 match in funds is satisfied.

The proposed new McDonough County Animal Shelter will be a 21st-century facility that not only accomodates the needs of lost and homeless animals, but is also an inviting place for community members to find a new pet, volunteer, and access resources. Plans include a free roaming cat room and modern cat condos, indoor dog kennels with outdoor runs, a meet and greet area, among many other much-needed improvements for the health and welfare of our animals.

Keep your eyes open for news on when this $10,000.00 match is completed. We hope it won’t take long.

Thank you so much!


Thank you!

September 10th, 2022 was devoted to the Building Campaign with $942 raised at our table at the Gazebo Art Festiuval in Chandler Park, and $4310 raised during Play It Forward at The Wine Sellers that evening.

Thank you to everyone who stopped by our table in Chandler Park, to our local musicians for donating all of their tips to the Shelter Building Campaign, and to The Wine Sellers for hosting the event. It was great to see you there!

The following are the slides from the slideshow that ran as part of our Building Campaign promotion at the Wine Sellers:


Announcing the The Suzie Q, Jesse, and Maggie May Tribute Challenge!

To honor their dogs’ lives, as well as to demonstrate their support for the construction of a new animal shelter, Donna and Bob Quesal are challenging the McDonough County community (and others) to match their $10,000 pet tribute contribution.

They will donate $10,000 to the HSMC New Shelter Building Fund if donations are raised to match or exceed that amount.  Let’s pool our resources and build a better shelter!

Tribute Challenge Donation Form (pdf)

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